Saturday 30 May 2020

How Would You Get Ready For Hip Replacement Surgery?

Hip replacement is a surgery that is undergone to replace a damaged hip joint. In this, the best orthopedic doctorin Bhopal replaces the worn out joint with an artificial joint. This surgery could be considered just after the hip fracture or for severe pain that could be caused due to arthritis.

So, the question that haunts most of the people is that how would they even get ready for the hip replacement. So, here’s the article that would answer all your questions related to it. So, let’s get started!

·         Your orthopedic doctor would explain you each and everything about the process and will also ask you to clear all the doubts that you would have about the procedure.

·         You would be asked to sign a consent form in which there would be details about the process and your permission of performing the surgery. Go through the form carefully and ask if something isn’t clear.

·         With the full complete health history, your orthopedic doctor in Bhopal would consult a physical examination so as to ensure the fact that you are sound in health for undergoing the surgery. This would also include blood tests or other diagnostic tests.

·         It’s your duty to tell your doctor about any of the allergies with the medicines, latex, tape, and anesthesia.

·         During the visit, you should tell your doctor about all the medicines that you’re currently taking. Also, you must show the prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines for better knowledge.
·         If you are taking any of the blood thinners or medicines for blood clotting, then you must inform this to your best orthopedic doctor in Bhopal in case if there’s a history of bleeding disorders. This is because the doctor would then advise you to stop taking those medicines before the surgery.
·         You must tell your doctor if you have conceived or thinking that you may conceive.
·         You would be asked to fast at least for 7 to 8 hours before the surgery.
·         You would be given a sedative before the surgery begins so as to relax you.
·         Depending upon the condition, you would have to meet with the physical therapist for the exercises so as to talk about rehabilitation.
·         If you are a regular smoker, then you should stop smoking before the surgery. The reason for this is that smoking would delay the healing time and recovery period.
·         If there’s a need, then you should consider losing weight.
·         You must do the conditioning exercises if prescribed by the doctor.
·         If your health becomes poor after the surgery, then your orthopedic doctor in Bhopal would recommend you to perform some of the exams or tests.


  1. Great Post. Thanks for sharing it with us. Anyone wants to get the best joint treatment, can contact the best Ortho Doctor in Ludhiana.

  2. Very Nice And Informative post!!
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