Wednesday, 1 June 2022

9 Top Tips Suggested by an Orthopedic Surgeon in Bhopal to Maintain a Healthy Knee

Knee pain has become common, particularly for old age people. Over the year, each individual’s knee suffers a lot of wear and tear because it battles in opposition the gravity to walk and move. Aging of the knee, a few factors can make you vulnerable to aching. Injury, body weight, no muscle strength, etc. can cause problems with the knee. Despite repetitive stress, trauma, etc., damage to the knee can cause pain, dullness, etc. Eventually, the damage can progress into osteoarthritis in the case not treated. Putting more stress on weight-bearing joints such as the knee can put you at risk. Too much bodyweight does not just hasten joint worsening, also it can increase the risks of osteoarthritis. You can help to maintain the well-being of your knee.  You just have to adopt the following lifestyle habits that a Best orthopedic surgeon in Bhopal suggests to you.


Pickup low impact exercises-

This is the first way that you can try to safeguard your knee’s cartilage. Cardiovascular activities such as swimming or cycling can assist to keep knee cartilage healthy and also prevent further injuries.

Strengthen the muscle of your upper and lower leg-

You need to focus on exercises that target your psoas, hamstrings, hip flexors, gluteus muscles, and quadriceps.

Maintain an ideal weight-

More weight automatically adds stress to the knees. Even a weight loss of 10 pounds can make a huge difference.

Stretch the leg’s muscles-

You can try this to support the full range of motion. Try to incorporate yoga into your day-to-day stretching routine.

Seek medical aid-

Seeking the right orthopedic surgeon in Bhopal or opting for knee replacement in Bhopal in case it is a must can be a better option for you as you will get the chance to end up fast the problems with your knee.

Be careful when you play sports games-

Playing sports games demands you to rapidly start, stop and pivot like football and basketball.

Mix up day to a day exercise routine-

Movements putting continuous stress on your knee can maximize the risk of developing more problems with the knee.

Stay active daily-

Physical activity can be useful to prevent stiffness and muscle atrophy. Also, it can protect your knee from more harm.

Go for a medical checkup-

Seeing a medical provider in case you have a swollen knee can designate injured cartilage.


So, these are all the ways that the best orthopedic surgeon in Bhopal suggest to all people who are experiencing problems in their knees. Trying all these will possibly help to overcome the problems and will ensure fast recovery and an easy-going lifestyle. So, do not wait for anything and be ready to try all these.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

5 Facts Related To Osteoarthritis

 Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that almost one in two adults develop of the knee and one in four adults develop it in the hip by age of 85. Still, most of the people have developed misconceptions about this disease. It is important that you educate yourself and also your loved ones about this common disease. 


In this blog, we will discuss some of the facts related to osteoarthritis as suggested by the best Orthopaedic surgeon in Bhopal.

·         Women are more likely to develop osteoarthritis then men: If we talk about this disease in global terms, then almost 18% of the women and 10% of men who are older than 60 years’ experience this disease. The reason so as to why women develop this degenerative joint disease is that more oestrogen levels are generated in their bodies due to menopause.

·         Osteoarthritis increases the risk of falling: According to a latest study, it has been known that people with osteoarthritis experience more false than people who don't have arthritis. Obviously, self-care can help in minimising the risk of falling down. In addition to this, medical treatment can also decrease the likelihood of falling down. Moreover, you can use some of the assistive devices like cane or walker.

·         Exercise is important for people with osteoarthritis: Well, if we say someone to exercise regularly whose joints ache would sound excruciating. But when a person exercise on a regular basis, the muscles and ligaments starts to become strong which also puts less strain on the joints. Some of the exercises that you can definitely go for is yoga, swimming, bike riding and weight lifting.

·         Joint replacement may or may not be the best treatment: Most of the people consider the hip or knee replacement surgery as the last option. Unfortunately, if someone avoid surgery for a longer period of time, then it can lead to pain and disability. Agreed, you can go for other treatment options first but when nothing works out, you need to consider surgery.

·         Osteoarthritis affect sleep and mood: The pain that is associated with osteoarthritis makes it difficult for the person to gain good sleep at night. Lack of sleep and along with poor performance of the daily activities lead to depression. Treatment can decrease or eliminate pain but if the feelings of hopelessness and sadness still persists after arthritis pain is relieved, then you need to talk to your orthopaedic surgeon in Bhopal.

Saturday, 8 January 2022

Misconceptions Related To Knee Replacement Surgery

 Knee replacement in Bhopal involves replacing the worn-out knee joint with prosthesis. It is beneficial for relieving pain and restoring your lost abilities to walk or jump. Evenly, it has 95% of success rate. Despite after fact that surgery may offer an individual with great advantages, most of the people have misconceptions regarding this treatment option. So, in this blog, we are going to burst out those misconceptions related to knee replacement surgery.


·         Myth 1: The success rate of knee replacement surgery is very low.

Fact: Well, according to the latest research, it has been known that the success rate of knee replacement surgery is 95%. It is considered as an effective treatment for the knees that have gone out with the passage of time or diseased. Patients who undergo this surgery perform almost all the routine activities comfortably after 2 to 3 months of rest.

·         Myth 2: Bending of the knees becomes difficult and even sitting on the floor becomes a complex task after the surgery.

Fact: Well, most of the people are in the myth that people face difficulty to bend their knee after the replacement surgery. Well, this isn't true. It all depends upon the quality of the surgery conducted, the prosthesis used and post-operative rehabilitation. Most of the patients have experienced same range of movement as the normal joint after the surgery.

·         Myth 3: If the surgery fails for an issue arises after the surgery, there is no chance to repair the process again.

Fact: In case, the surgery fails, then your orthopaedic doctor in Bhopal can perform a revision surgery after proper diagnosis and after considering your overall health.

·         Myth 4: The knee replacement surgery doesn't last for more than 10 to 11 years.

Fact: This is totally a myth as the knee replacement surgery can last for a lifetime. Now, medical advancements has resulted in providing the beneficial results in the surgery being conducted.

·         Myth 5: Knee replacement surgery takes over months to recover.

Fact: Well, this totally depends upon the quality of the surgery and post-operative care been taken of the patient. It has been noticed that most of the patients get back to their day to day activities after few weeks of the surgery.

·         Myth 6: It is it possible for the patient to undergo replacement surgeries for both knees at the same time.

Fact: Well, in this medically advanced world, it is possible for a patient to undergo surgeries for both the knees. At the same time, it has many advantages. All you need to do is to consult your orthopaedic doctor once and the surgery can be planned according to your overall health. So, reach out to your doctor and talk about your knee replacement surgery.